Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Module 5 and 6 Discussion

Module 5 and 6 Discussion

Q Planning is a key component to the P-O-L-C framework. What type of planning do you think different businesses (Non-Profits and For Profits) engaged in? Why should managers strive for a balance of history-based, present, and future-oriented metrics of performance?

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According to Principles of Management, POLC means Planning, organizing, leading and controlling and it is essential for both non-profit and for profit organizations. Non-profit organizations worry primarily about the revenue and so the short and long terms goals are planned first. This means a proper relationship with the stakeholders which lead to the establishment of business goodwill. Planning is directly proportional to performance. Non-profit organizations need to plan from where they will procure donations that will help their goals.